God's divine power has given us everything we need to live a truly religious life through our knowledge of the one who called us to share in his own glory and goodness. 2 Pet 1:3

  • In the Year 1995, a small prayer group started with six people they would never have dreamed of a church as big as today's Christian Fellowship. But above our expectations The Almighty had a great plan about that humble beginning. Even we can see that Jesus feeds the Five thousand and the Four thousand only with five loaves of bread & two fish and seven loaves of bread & a few small fish respectively .Similarly it was true with CFK too, we too started with a few i.e. six!!!!!!!!!!
  • After a few weeks Bro. Joseph C Joseph and family joined this group and help us to lead the congregations. There were prayer meetings at one of our believer’s residence three days in a week i.e. during that period many people joined the prayer group. According to the guidance of the Holy Spirit we have decided to move an application to the Ahmadi Church. They accepted our application and Dr. Ammanuel Ghareeb granted permission to hold church meetings at Ahmadi Church.
  • Within a few months since we started our meetings at Ahmadi church, CFK had grown in leaps and bounds. By that time Holy Spirit had already laid the foundation for the growth of a great ministry –The CFK. Many people accepted Jesus as their savior and got baptized and joined the church. At the same time God helped us to expand our church ministries and start bible classes at different places in Kuwait.

Since the beginning of our church in 1995 more than 200 people got baptized and joined the church. When we look back by the grace of God, Christian Fellowship of Kuwait is one among the leading churches in Kuwait.

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