Our Leaders

Our Former Pastors

Pr. Chacko George, IPC1999-2002

Pr. Joy George, Sharon Fellowship2002-2004

Pr. OT Thomas, IPC2004-2010

Pr. V M Sunny, IPC2010-2013

Pr. Biju Joy, Church of God2013-2018

Pr. Anil P Samuel, Church of God2018-2019

Our Present Minister

Pastor. Shyju Varghese, B.Com, B.Ed, MBA, BD

Church Committee


Pr. Shyju Varghese

Mobile: +965 51383088

Phone: +965 99291495


Br. Chandapillai Varghese

Phone: +965 66009831


Br. P.V. Abraham (Sunny)

Phone: +965 66279126

Executive Members

Br. Saji Thomas

Br. Reji Joy

Br. Reni Varghese